Articolo apparso su “Il Quotidiano di Puglia” il 10 Aprile 2015 a firma del giornalista Pino De Luca.
In uno dei giornali più letti in Salento si parla della Cantina Mottura.
“Pasquale Mottura è un manager vero che è tornato all’impresa di famiglia, una grande impresa che insegue la qualità con rigore e concretezza”.
Clicca su download per continuare a leggere.Article appeared on “Il Quotidiano di Puglia” on April 10th, 2015 signed by the journalist Pino De Luca.
One of the most widely read newspapers in Salento speaks about Mottura winery.
“Pasquale Mottura is a real manager who returned to the family business, a large company pursuing quality with rigor and pragmatism”.
Press Download to continue reading.Article appeared on “Il Quotidiano di Puglia” on April 10th, 2015 signed by the journalist Pino De Luca.
One of the most widely read newspapers in Salento speaks about Mottura winery.
“Pasquale Mottura is a real manager who returned to the family business, a large company pursuing quality with rigor and pragmatism”.
Press Download to continue reading.Article appeared on “Il Quotidiano di Puglia” on April 10th, 2015 signed by the journalist Pino De Luca.
One of the most widely read newspapers in Salento speaks about Mottura winery.
“Pasquale Mottura is a real manager who returned to the family business, a large company pursuing quality with rigor and pragmatism”.
Press Download to continue reading.